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Easy Web Coding Guide for Beginners | Mistakes & Tips

The internet is an incredible thing. It’s a place where people can meet, share ideas and connect with one another like never before. But it’s also a world of information overload, a place where you have to know how to navigate the waters in order to find what you are looking for.

The problem is that not everyone knows how to do web coding and web design and SEO service successfully, which leaves many people feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless sea of websites out there offering everything under the sun.

But if you know what you’re doing, navigating the web becomes much easier. That’s why we created this step-by-step guide on web coding so that anyone can learn how to be successful online!

Table of contents:

  1. What is web coding?
  1. Web programming languages
  1. Web coding mistakes to avoid
  1. Web development basics
  1. What is web hosting?
  1. Website design tips for beginners
  1. Importance of SEO and social media integration
  1. Conclusion

What is web coding?

=> Web Coding is a process of transforming computer code into a format that can be displayed in a web browser. Web coders use various different languages to create websites and web applications and must have a strong understanding of the most popular programming languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript in order to create visually appealing and functional websites.

One of the most important aspects of web coding is understanding HTML, which is the language used to create web pages. HTML allows coders to add structure, content and styling to their pages, while CSS allows them to style those elements however they want.

Additionally, JavaScript allows coders to add interactivity and functionality to their web pages. By mastering all three of these languages, web coders can create truly amazing websites and web applications.

How do I learn web coding?

If you want to learn coding, you first need to understand coding languages, like the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These languages are all used to create web pages, and by learning them all, you will be able to create beautiful and functional web pages. One of the best ways to learn web coding is by using online tutorials.

There are many great resources available online that can teach you everything you need to know about web coding. Additionally, there are many online forums and communities where web developers can exchange ideas and help each other out. Another great way to learn web coding is by attending a web coding Bootcamp. Bootcamps provide intensive training in web development and often include courses in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Best coding courses for beginners:

  1. Codecademy
  1. FreeCodeCamp
  1. Udemy
  1. Coursera
  1. W3Schools
  1. edX
easy web coding

Web programming languages

Learn HTML

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the most basic building block of the web. HTML is used to create websites.

Before HTML came into existence web pages were very basic and did not have any formatting or images on them. Before web developers had to use what is known as web codes (or commands) to create formatting. Shortly, it is a language, which means that it uses tags to identify different elements on a web page.

Learn CSS

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is used to style web pages. CSS can be used to change the font, colour, size of text, and layout of a web page. CSS is also used to create web addresses that are easier to remember.

For example, the web address for Google is https://www.google.com/. However, if you want to add styling to this web page you would use CSS and make the web address https://www.google.com/style/. CSS is a very powerful tool for web developers and can be used to create beautiful and responsive web pages.

There are many different developers out there that specialize in different programming languages. Some developers focus on user experience (UX) while other web developers work with search engine optimization or user interface (UI).

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich. It is a lightweight, interpreted language, which means that it does not need to be compiled before it can be run. The JavaScript framework is used to create interactivity on web pages and is often used in conjunction with HTML and CSS.

For example, web pages nowadays usually have web forms to gather information from web users. When web developers create web forms they use JavaScript code to validate the data that web users submit before it is sent for processing (and also after). If you can't find someone to help you with this, check out free options like Codepen.

Is web coding hard to learn?

Website coding can be hard to learn for beginners, but you don't need a computer science or data science degree for building websites. The most important attribute you should possess is dedication and practice, anyone can become a skilled coder. The best way to learn web development and different coding languages is by simply doing, so start by trying out some basic-level coding exercises and tutorials.

Web coding mistakes to avoid

As a web coder, it's important to be aware of the most common web coding mistakes that can cause your website, mobile apps or web application to look and function poorly. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid:

1. Forgetting to validate input data

Make sure that your web application only accepts input data that is appropriate for the type of data.

2. Not following best practices  

When coding, make sure you adhere to web development best practices to ensure that your site functions as expected.

3. Developing without a plan

Always plan out your web development project before starting coding, to avoid having to go back and make changes later on.

4. Using web coding tools incorrectly

Can cause web applications and websites to look and work poorly. If you're using web development tools (i.e., HTML, CSS, JavaScript), make sure you understand how they function before attempting to use them.

5. Not putting your web code through web testing

Before releasing a web application or website, make sure you test it on web browsers to ensure that it functions as expected across a variety of different web browsers and operating systems.

6. Not having good website navigation

When web developers create web pages, they design the website navigation first. However, some web developers forget to test out the navigation before launching their web page. Poor web page navigation can lead to users getting lost on your site

7. Not using web analytics correctly

Web analytics are used to collect web usage data, but web developers can't monitor web usage data without having web analytics set up correctly. If web analytics is not set up properly, it will be difficult to use web analytics reports in order to improve the user experience on your website.

Web development basics?

Learning web development: It is a process of designing, creating, and maintaining websites. It covers a wide range of activities, from web design and SEO service, and coding to search engine optimization and web server administration. Learn more about the web development process.

website development

What's the difference between front-end and back-end?

The front end of a website refers to the web pages that are visible to the user also called UI design. The back end of a website refers to the web pages that are behind the scenes and are not visible to the user also called UX design. The back end is responsible for processing user input and managing the database.

What is front-end development?

Front-end web development is the process of creating the visual elements of a website. This can include everything from the layout and design of the pages to the inclusion of images and videos. Front-end web developers must have a strong understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in order to create visually appealing and functional websites.

One of the main responsibilities of front-end web developers is to ensure that websites are responsive across different devices and browsers. They must also be aware of web accessibility standards and make sure that websites comply with these standards. In addition to designing and coding web pages, front-end web developers may also be responsible for tasks such as search engine optimization (SEO) and web animation. Check out the best web design SEO service tools.

In short, the goal of web UI is to make web pages as intuitive and easy to use as possible. Users should be able to navigate web pages quickly and easily, find the information they are looking for without any problems, and avoid confusing navigation menus or error messages.

What is back-end development?

Back-end web development is the process of developing web pages that are behind the scenes and are not visible to the user. This includes everything from processing user input to managing the database. To be a back-end web developer, you need to have a strong understanding of programming languages such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, or Python. You should also be familiar with web frameworks such as Laravel or Django.

Learn Python, Learn Ruby on Rails, Learn Java, Learn PHP, Learn HTML. Back-end web developers are responsible for ensuring that websites run smoothly and efficiently. They must make sure that websites are secure and that they comply with all relevant web standards.

What is web hosting

Web hosting is the process of storing files and making them available to the public online. When you create a website, you need to find a web host to store your website's files. There are many different web hosts available, and it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you.

When choosing a web host, you should consider the following:

1. Price:

Web hosts can vary in price, so be sure to compare the prices of different hosts before deciding on one.

2. Bandwidth:

This is the amount of data that can be transferred from your website each month. Be sure to choose a web host that has enough bandwidth for your needs.

3. Storage space:

Most web hosts offer a range of storage space, so choose one that is right for your needs.

4. Free web host:

Many web hosts offer web hosting for free, however, they don't offer web design and SEO service and you need to find web coding tools elsewhere. If your web host doesn't have enough features or bandwidth then you will be unable to host your website, so do some research before committing to a web host.

Website design tips for beginners

If you're just starting out in web design and SEO service, it's important to learn the basics and understand how web coding works. Once you have a basic understanding of web coding, you can start to create beautiful and functional websites.

website coding tips

Look at the following tips and stay focused:

1. Keep web coding simple

When starting out, keep web coding simple by using basic HTML tags. This will make your website easy to code and maintain.

2. Use web development frameworks

Web development frameworks help you to build websites quickly and easily. They provide a set of predefined CSS and JavaScript rules that you can use on your web pages.

3. Use pre-made templates

Many web development frameworks include pre-made templates that you can use on your web pages. This will save you time and hassle when creating your website.

4. Use online resources

There are many great online resources available that can help you learn web coding. These resources include tutorials, forums and online courses.

5. Practice

Web coding can be difficult to learn, but the best way to improve your web development skills is by practice. Make sure you keep practicing and studying web coding in order to become a skilled London web designer.

Importance of SEO and social media integration

When it comes to web design and SEO service, one of the most important aspects is integrating social media into your website. This can help to improve your website's SEO (search engine optimization) and can help to increase traffic to your website

=> There are many different ways that you can integrate social media into your website. The most common way is to add social media buttons to your web pages. This will allow users to easily share your content on their favourite social media platforms.

=> Another way to integrate social media is by adding social media widgets to your web pages. These widgets will show recent posts from your social media accounts and can help to increase engagement with your website's visitors.

=> You can also use social media plugins to embed videos and images from popular social media platforms. These plugins will automatically link to the original web page on your chosen social media platform

There are many different web development frameworks available that can help you integrate social media into your website. For example, web development frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap and Foundation have pre-made web coding tools for adding buttons, widgets and plugins.

Social media can be a huge help for your web development strategy, so make sure you find the time to integrate social media into your web design and SEO service. Just keep practicing and studying web coding in order to become a skilled developer.

website SEO


Web coding can be difficult to learn, but with the right tools and resources, you can become a skilled web developer. In this article, we have provided some tips and resources that will help you get started in coding. We also discussed the importance of SEO and social media integration in our web design and SEO service. So, make sure you take advantage of these helpful tips and techniques to create beautiful and functional websites. Share our article via Google Documents.

Do you need help?

If you need help with web coding, website development, or digital marketing, then contact our team of experts. We provide web design and SEO service in London, that is affordable and stunning while your website is SEO optimized to the highest standards.