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7 Powerful Disadvantages of Microsite | Website Example

Microsites are websites that are built to serve a specific purpose. For example, they can be used to promote a product, brand or event and are often used as a way to drive traffic to the landing page.

Most microsites are typically designed to be simple and focused and can be an effective way to create a more targeted online presence. However, there are some powerful disadvantages that need to be considered for both client and web design and SEO company.

While they can be a great way to test new ideas or concepts, microsites can often cannibalize traffic from the parent website and be difficult to optimize for search engines. Additionally, they can be costly and time-consuming to create and maintain, and may not provide the same branding and identity benefits as a traditional website.

Table of contents:

  1. What are microsites
  1. Disadvantages of the microsite
  1. Common features of the microsite
  1. Benefits of the microsite
  1. How to create a successful microsite
  1. Examples of microsites
  1. Microsite vs Paid Ads
  1. Conclusion

Definition: What is a Microsite?

A microsite is a website that is built to serve a specific purpose. It can be used to promote a product, brand or event, and is often used as a way to drive traffic to the main site. Microsites are typically designed to be simple & focused which can be an effective way to create a more targeted online presence.  

Also, because microsites are usually smaller in scope than the landing page, they can be easier & cheaper to design & build. Some companies choose to use microsites as a way to test new ideas or designs before implementing them on their primary website.

As a web design & SEO company, we offer microsite solutions to businesses who want to target a specific keyword or phrase. By optimizing the content & design of the microsite around a particular keyword, you can create a powerful & effective web presence that can attract new visitors & customers.

disadvantage of microsite

7 Disadvantages of Microsites in Web Design

Our web design and SEO company has listed a number of disadvantages when using a microsite. The following are 7 of the most powerful disadvantages to consider:

1. Microsites can cannibalize traffic from the landing pages:

One of the most powerful disadvantages of all those microsites is that they can cannibalize traffic from the main website. Because microsites are typically designed to be focused and simple, they can be more appealing to different user interfaces than the main page.

This can result in users spending more time on the microsite than on the corporate site, which can lead to less traffic and conversions on the main website.

2. They can be difficult to optimize for search engines:  

Another powerful disadvantage of microsites is that they can be difficult to optimize for search engines. Because microsites are typically smaller in scope than the main website, they can be more difficult to optimize for the keywords and phrases that you want to target.

Additionally, because microsites are often used to promote a specific product or brand, they can be more difficult to rank for general keywords and phrases.

3. They can be costly and time-consuming to create and maintain:  

Another disadvantage of microsites is that they can be costly and time-consuming to create and maintain. Because microsites are smaller than the main site, they can require more time and effort to design and develop. Additionally, microsites can often require more frequent updates than the corporate website, which can add to the cost and time required to maintain them.

4. They may not provide the same branding and identity benefits:  

A traditional website can often provide more branding and identity benefits than a microsite. Because microsites are focused on a specific campaign or topic, they may not include all of the information that a company wants to communicate about its brand.

Plus, microsites can often be designed to be more focused on a specific product or brand, which can result in fewer branding and identity benefits for the company launched.

5. Confusing if you aren't familiar with the company's web presence:  

Microsite's content can often be confusing for visitors who are not familiar with the company's web presence. Because microsites are typically designed to be stand-alone standard websites, they can be difficult for visitors to navigate if they are not familiar with the company's other web properties. They can often be less effective at providing an overview of the company's web presence.

6. Difficult to manage if they are not part of the main website's structure:

Microsites can often be difficult to manage if they are not part of the main web page structure. Because microsites are typically smaller in scope and more focused, they can often be less effective at providing an overview of the company's web presence. This can result in visitors being confused about the company's web presence and how it relates to the main website.

Plus, microsites can often be more difficult to update and manage if they are not part of the structure of the corporate websites. Avoid duplicate content.

7. They may not take advantage of the main website's existing traffic:

Microsites may not be able to take advantage of the main website's existing traffic. This is because they are hosted on a different domain and therefore have to rely on their own marketing efforts to attract visitors. This can be a significant disadvantage, especially for businesses that are just starting out.

Additionally, microsites can often be more difficult to rank for keywords and phrases, which can result in less traffic from web searches.

web design of microsite

Common Features of Microsites

  • Focused & Specific Purpose:

Microsites are designed with a very specific purpose or goal in mind. This could be anything from promoting a new product, generating leads for a sales funnel or raise awareness.

  • Unique Domain Name:

In order for your microsite to be successful, it needs to have a unique or separate domain name that is easy to remember and relevant to the content.

  • Distinct Web Design:

The web design of a microsite should be unique and different from your main website. This will help to make it stand out and be more memorable for visitors.

  • Limited Content:

The content on a microsite should be limited to only what is necessary. This helps to keep the site focused and makes it easier for visitors to find what they're looking for.

  • Branding & Identity:

Microsites should be branded in a way that is consistent with your main website or branded content sites. This helps to create a cohesive identity and makes it easier for visitors to connect the two sites.

  • Use Keyword-Rich Titles:

The title of your microsite should be reflective of the content on the site and should include relevant keywords.

  • Optimize Content:

All of the content on your microsite should be optimized for search engines and mobile devices. This includes using relevant keywords and providing helpful and informative content.

  • Build Links:

In order for your microsite to rank well in search engines, you'll need to build links to it from many websites. This can be done through guest blogging, directory submissions, and social media.

  • Monitor Progress:

It's important to monitor the progress of your microsite in order to make sure that it is ranking well in search engines. This can be done through web analytics tools such as Google Analytics

7 Benefits of Microsite for the Main Website

Pros and cons to build microsites. To have great success with your web strategy, you should understand the common features of microsites as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

microsite benefits

1. They can help you better target a particular audience:  

One of the main benefits of using a microsite is that it can help you better target your audience. This is because microsites are typically smaller in scope and more focused than the main website. This means that they can be more effective at targeting a specific audience or demographic.

In addition, because microsites are often used to promote a specific product or campaign, they can be more effective at converting web traffic into potential customers or leads.

2. They can help you launch a new product or service:

Another benefit of using a microsite is that it can help you launch a new product or service. This is because microsites are often used to promote a specific product or campaign. This can be a great way to generate interest in a new product or service. Additionally, microsites can be a great way to test out a new product or service before launching it on your main website.

This can be a valuable way to gather feedback and make sure that your new product or service is ready for launch.

3. Help you better measure your web traffic and conversions:

Next, it can help you better measure your web traffic and conversions. This means that they can be more effective at measuring the effectiveness of your marketing campaign and web page design. They can also help you track how many people are visiting your entire site, where they come from, and what pages they visit most often.

Plus, a web design and SEO company will help you optimize your on-page SEO and adjust your campaign for the best outcome.

4. They can help you build your brand:

A good benefit of using a microsite is that it can help you build your brand. Microsites are usually used as a marketing tool for promoting a new product or service. It can also be used to target a specific audience or market segment. By using a microsite, you can create a unique web presence that helps you stand out from your competitors.

This means that they can be more effective at building brand awareness and recognition.

5. They can help you generate leads:

You can use your microsite to drive traffic to your main website or landing pages where visitors can fill out a form and provide their contact information. This is a great way to capture leads from visitors who may not be ready to make a purchase but are interested in your product or service.

Further, you can use your primary site to segment your audience and target specific groups with tailored content. This allows you to nurture leads until they are ready to convert.

6. They can help you increase sales:

This is because microsites are designed to be highly effective at converting web visitors into paying customers. Microsites typically have strong calls to action that encourage visitors to take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. If you are selling products or services online, then a microsite can be a great way to increase sales and boost your bottom line.

7. They can help you improve your search engine ranking:

Another benefit of using a microsite is that it can help you improve your search engine ranking. This is because microsites are usually keyword-rich, which helps search engines index and rank them more easily. In addition, microsites provide links to other websites, which can also help to improve your ranking.

Is Microsite Right for Your Business?

As a web design and SEO company, we think microsites can be a great way to target specific audiences with laser precision. But is a microsite right for your business success?

  1. Do you have a specific product or service that you want to promote?
  2. Do you want to launch a new product or service?
  3. Do you want to better measure your web traffic and conversions?
  4. Do you want to build your brand?
  5. Do you want to generate leads?
  6. Do you want to increase sales?
  7. Do you want to improve your search engine ranking?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above, then a microsite might be right for your business.

How to Create a Successful Microsite?

A microsite is a full website that is specifically created to promote or support a particular product, service, or brand. When done correctly, a microsite can be a powerful marketing tool that can help generate leads, build brand awareness, and even drive sales. Creating a successful microsite is not an easy task, but it is definitely possible with a little planning and effort.

successful microsites

5 Tips to Create a Successful Microsite:

1. Keep it focused

The most successful micro sites are focused purely on a specific topic, product, or service. This focus allows you to target a specific audience and create content that is relevant to them. It also makes it easier to track the results of your microsite and see how it is performing.

2. Make it visually appealing

People are visual creatures, so it’s important to make your microsite visually appealing. Use high-quality visuals and make sure they are relevant to the topic of your microsite. In addition, pay attention to the overall design of your microsite and make sure it is easy to navigate.

3. Create compelling content

The content on your microsite should be compelling and interesting enough to get people to stick around. Write copy that is clear and concise, and be sure to include calls to action that encourage people to take the next step.

4. Promote your microsite landing pages

Just because you create a microsite doesn’t mean people will automatically find it. You need to promote your microsite through various channels, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising campaign. Also, SEO is crucial for getting people to find your microsite through search engines.

5. Measure your main site results

Last but not least, don’t forget to measure the results of your microsite main site. Use analytics tools to track things like web traffic and conversions. This data will help you determine whether or not your microsite is successful and where you can improve.

10 Creative Microsite Examples for the Target Audience

target audience

The following list includes the top examples that were researched by our web design and SEO company experts:

  1. The New York Times Magazine: Walking New York
  2. Chanel: The inside world
  3. American cycling association: CommUtah
  4. Nasa: Spacecrafts
  5. Adobe: My creative type
  6. Red Bull: Red Bulletin
  7. Dumpark: The seas of plastic
  8. ProPublica: How much is a limb worth
  9. Samsung: Z Flip phone
  10. Lufthansa: As time flies by

Microsites vs Paid Ads

Micro sites and paid ads can be a great way to target specific audiences with laser precision. When done correctly, a microsite can be a powerful marketing tool that can help generate leads, build brand awareness, and even drive sales. Likewise, a well-executed paid ad campaign can also be very effective in reaching your target audience.

=> So, which is better?

=> Does microsite make sense or paid ads?

The answer is YES, bit it depends on your specific goals, target audience, and budget. If you have the time and resources to create a well-designed microsite, then that may be the better option.

However, if you need to generate quick results and have a limited budget, then paid ads may be the way to go. Digital marketing is all about testing and experimentation, so try different approaches and see what works best for your business. As a web design and SEO company, we recommend booking a consultation before making a decision.


Creating a microsite can be a powerful marketing campaign for the main domain, but it is not an easy task. It’s important to keep your microsite focused, make it visually appealing, create compelling content, and promote your microsite through various channels. Additionally, don’t forget to measure the results of your microsite so you can determine its success.

Paid ads can also be an effective way to reach your audience, but it depends on your specific goals and budget. Ultimately, the best option is the one that will work best for your business. Target market, clear goals, and measurable results should be the main factors in deciding which route to take.

Do You Need Help?

Our web design and SEO company experts at Fit Design are qualified and skilled to create your next microsite. We can help with everything from content creation to design and development. Contact us today to learn more about the user interface, user experience, responsive design, ad campaigns, and conversion rates.

Share your marketing goals with us and we’ll develop a custom strategy that is tailored specifically to your needs.