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How Often Should I Redesign My Website to Rank & Win

I noticed this is a question that most businesses struggle with. The answer, unfortunately, is not always black and white. How often should you redesign a website depends on a variety of factors, such as your industry, the age of your website, and how much traffic you are getting.

That being said, there are some general guidelines that you can follow to help you make this decision. In this blog post, we will discuss techniques, also why and when you should start redesign your website and many more. We will also provide some tips for determining when it is time to give your website a fresh look!

Table of contents:

  1. What is website redesign
  1. Redesign your website constantly
  1. How often should I redesign my website
  1. Does redesigning website hurt SEO
  1. Web design techniques
  1. How often should I add new content to the website
  1. How to hire a web design agency
  1. Checklist for redesign
  1. Do you need help

Website Redesign

Website redesign, in web terms, is the process of revamping or completely changing the look of a website. This can involve changing the color scheme, layout, fonts, images, and overall design. A redesign can also include adding new features or functionality to an existing site.

Since our digital world is constantly evolving, it is important to keep your organization website up-to-date with the latest trends. A well-designed website will not only reflect positively on your business but will also help to attract and retain potential customers.

redesign my website

Redesign the Website Constantly

There are many reasons why you might want to redesign your website. Maybe your site is starting to look dated and you want to give it a fresh, modern look. Or maybe you’re not happy with the current design and you want to try something new.

Perhaps, your site isn’t performing as well as you’d like and you want to make some changes to improve the user experience or Google ranking. Whatever the reason, if you feel like your business website could use a makeover or you see the competitors websites gaining ground, it might be time to redesign your website.

How Often Should I Redesign My Website?

How often should you redesign? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the frequency to redesign your website will depend on several factors. On average, businesses redesign their website every two to three years, but some do it as often as once a year while others may only do it every five years

When Should I Start Website Redesign?

7 Tips by a Creative Website Design Agency in London:

1. Competition has a bigger market share

You should monitor your biggest competitors websites closely to see how often they are redesigning their websites and what changes they do.

2. Web presence lacking

Is the website traffic growing, staying the same, or declining? I guess you know what to do if your web presence is declining, conduct performance and SEO analysis.

3. Search engine optimization hasn't helped

Have you looked at your on-page SEO? Some website builders like Wix or Shopify are limited to search engine optimization, which means you have to use paid ads to rank higher, instead of organic traffic.

4. Trends are changing

It's as simple as the title says - are you keeping up with the latest web design trends? You have to be aware that algorithms, search results/engines and design trends are constantly changing, and to retain or acquire potential customers you have to adapt.

5. UX isn't responsive

User experience is one of the most important aspects of any website. If you're not sure about your website's UX, ask around or do some user testing.

6. Lacking creative web design

Are you a construction business owner or managing director of a digital web agency in London? Cause, the web page should reflect that. If you offer creative services, potential clients will expect to see creativity on your website and stay ahead of the game.

7. Outdated home page, images content

Your website is a digital representation of your company. If it's outdated, chances are your potential customers will think your company is as well. Users love fresh new ideas.

redesign and seo

Redesigning Website Hurt SEO?

When it comes to website redesign and SEO, the most important thing you should first understand is that it is avoidable if you do website maintenance regularly. This could be done by constantly making small updates, choosing a "professional" web designer early on, or by selecting the right website builder platform for your niche.

However, to maintain a consistent look and feel for your brand while also keeping your website fresh and up-to-date the good rule of thumb is to redesign your website every two to three years, or whenever you feel it starts to look dated.

There is no one definitive answer to whether or not redesign your website will hurt your SEO. But, if you do need to make significant changes, be sure to consult with a professional website design agency in London or experts to ensure that your website's ranking is not adversely affected.

Web Design Techniques for Redesign

When redesigning your website, there are a few web design techniques you can use to give your site a fresh look and improve the user experience.

  • Responsive (mobile friendly):

The site will automatically adjust to fit the screen size of the device it is being viewed on. This is important because more and more people are using mobile devices to browse the internet.

  • Minimalist Design:

A minimalist design uses clean lines and simple elements. This can make your site look more modern and stylish plus it's a good ranking factor for search engines as the site isn't crowded.

  • Use of Color:

Color can be used to create a certain mood or atmosphere on your site. Example: Yellow is a nice and calming color that you could use to highlight important elements.

  • Animation (parallax scrolling):

Adding animation can make your site more dynamic, engaging and fun to use. Parallax scrolling - 3D screen process - are more sophisticated and they can add many dimensions.

  • Video Backgrounds:

Makes the site more visually interesting and interactive. Make sure the files are compressed.

  • Creative Typography:

One way to instantly make your website look more modern and stylish is to use creative typography. This involves using different fonts, font sizes, and font colors to create an impact.

  • Custom Illustrations:

Another way to add creativity to your website is to use custom illustrations.

rank high with content

How Often Should I Add New Content to the Website?

The general rule is that adding new content to your website regularly is beneficial for many reasons. First, it helps to keep your site fresh and up-to-date, also because search engines favor fresh content. Additionally, new content gives visitors a reason to come back to your site.

Ideally, you should add new content to your website at least once a week. However, if you are limited, there are many forms of content you can add that doesn't take a lot of time or effort (photos, videos, testimonials, infographics, etc.)

Adding new content once a month is also acceptable practice for website maintenance. Just remember, the key is to be consistent. If you only add new content sporadically, it won't be as effective.

How to Hire a Web Design Agency?

The first step in hiring a creative web design agency is understanding the website's needs. What are the website business goals and online goals? Do you need a fresh redesign or are you starting from scratch? Once you know what you need, you can begin to research agencies that specialize in the redesign.

The next step is to review the portfolio of each agency you are considering. Make sure their style aligns with your vision for your website. In addition, read reviews and case studies to get a sense of their process and the results they have been able to achieve for their clients.

Finally, you will want to meet with the website agency to discuss your project in detail and get a sense of their team. The best agencies will be able to provide you with a creative proposal that outlines their approach and the investment required.

Checklist for Redesign

Website design is a constantly evolving field, and in the past few years, website trends have been changing at an enormous pace. But how often should you actually redesign your website? We've put together a checklist of things to consider that will help you determine whether it's time for a change.

  • How old is your current design?
  • Have there been any major changes in your industry or target audience?
  • Is your website still serving its purpose?
  • Do you have any new products or services to promote?
  • Are you seeing a decrease in traffic or engagement?
  • Do you just feel like it's time for a change, is the site ready for a full redesign?
  • If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it might be time to start thinking about to redesign your website.

Do You Need Help?

Our website designs London agency offers creative and custom built web development or redesign services for the past few years. If you need help with search engine optimization, eCommerce design, digital marketing or mobile-friendly web development, we are the go-to web agency to go to.

Contact us today for a free discovery call and to get started with your bespoke redesign.