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14 Best Upcoming Design Trends in Website Designing

The world of web design is a powerful inspiration for many people, and most of us are eagerly awaiting what new things await us in the future. That's why we've done a thorough research and looked for the 14 best upcoming design trends, that are trending in the period ahead. It is certain, that most of the trends that we will present to you now, are not new by any means.

Many of these designing trends have already been around for a couple of years;  still seem to be popular and according to our research they won't lose their momentum anytime soon. Our web design agency London would like to give you an insight into what awaits us in the future, hope that you will find these design trends equally inspiring to look out for.

Table of contents:

  1. 3D Depth
  1. Split-Screen Content
  1. Asymmetry
  1. Micro Animation
  1. Organic Shapes
  1. Solid Blocks
  1. Black and White “monochrome”
  1. Typography
  1. Image and Text Masking
  1. Line Illustrations
  1. Collage of Drawings and Photographs
  1. Simplified Illustrations
  1. Isometric Illustrations
  1. Geometric Shapes
  1. What is web design?
  1. Conclusion

3D Depth

The 3D trend peaked in 2019 but is unlikely to disappear in the near future. Thanks to advanced technologies and available software, we will continue to encounter fantastic-looking 3D graphic compositions on the web. The use of 3D graphics and 2-dimensional objects is not just for decoration anymore.

Designers have found that it captures the user's attention more than ever before, which makes them increasingly popular in modern design projects! This trend is closely related to the use of video content.

Although there are many modern flat Graphic User Interface (GUI) styles, for example, material design, these 3D animations might be often found on web pages where videos are displayed. This tendency will likely increase in years to come because more and more users prefer watching engaging videos instead of reading text.

3d website

Split-Screen Content

This web design trend works by splitting the rectangular screen into two sections. Because of the split, both sides of the screen may behave slightly differently. It is most striking if the two sides are somewhat asymmetrical, for example, due to scrolling at different paces.

To make sure the visual hierarchy is correct, place an item in the centre of the screen where the two sides are potent. This will act as a focal point, balance the shared screen and be perfect for action! The asymmetrical split of the screen in web design is similar to the vertical split with two different scrolling speeds, but in web design, it's more frequently used in single site websites.

The reason for this is that most websites are structured horizontally and therefore require a horizontal split. With a single-page website, you can divide the content into two parts, give each part its own scrolling speed and thus create a smaller, customized user experience.

split screen design


Asymmetry has become very popular since 2019 and we will almost certainly see a lot of it in the next few years as well. Web pages are made more interesting in the eyes of users by asymmetric design. There are different levels of asymmetry: from slightly unequal to completely asymmetrical.

Asymmetry Example 1

There is a tendency to move the main menus from the top left (the most common place for them).

Asymmetry Example 2

Placing banners and greeting texts under each other, as well as creating one or more text blocks that are different from those adjacent.

best design trends

Micro Animation

As the name clearly shows, micro animations are small easy to relate animations. But to point out, micro in this particular case does not mean insignificant, rather equal noteworthy! Micro animations are extremely useful because they guide users with ease to interact on the website. In addition, a certain degree of playfulness is added to web pages, which makes them look more interesting.

One of the most important parts of micro animation to know, is that they should not confuse users, but rather lead them to their goal in an easy way! There are only a few situations where micro animations could be used. One of these is when users need confirmation while clicking or opening something.

Organic Shapes

Geometric shapes were one of the most popular aesthetic trends in 2019 and continues to dominate among creative agencies. Organic or “liquid” shapes do not contain straight lines at all and are typically based on natural forms such as mountains lakes rivers. Edge-ways usually have many curves making them more appealing than geometric designs which can be too rigid for some audiences.

The use of organic shapes provides a great opportunity to isolate parts and sections of a website without rough straight lines.

upcoming design trends

Solid Blocks

Exploiting the possibilities created by the split-screen, the content of more and more web pages is broken down into several sections, thus the arrays of squares and rectangles of different sizes are separated. With this form of appearance, you will be able to convey more information at once, in an orderly and coordinated way.

By placing short sentences and photos in each section, the users can easier track the information on the website. In addition, you can display these blocks differently from the colour of the website, thus drawing the attention of users

However, when using monochrome blocks, it is easy to overdo them. Therefore, it is recommended to follow fewer sometimes more principles. Blocks of different colors should be easily accessible and coordinated. Care should be taken to ensure that the monochrome blocks are neatly aligned, and that different images and shapes complement each other.

Black and White “monochrome”

Graphic designers and web developers have been using monochrome images more often in recent years. One of the most popular trends in 2019-2021 was two tone graphics, which looks to make its way with simplifications on how it's done! You'll see a lot less color changing throughout your image or design, and more of the same color.

Black and white are classic and it is embraced by our web design agency London - Fit Design - as they will be always trending (even black and white with one tone of orange or blue). It goes with any design and is the basic in graphic design.

Black and White Example

A grayscale image can go perfectly on top of a color gradient. The simplest way to change monochrome is to change the hue of any color in your image, making it lighter or darker.

design trends


In order to create innovative and modern compositions, web designers will increasingly use typography. This trend will continue to flourish in 2023/2024. Artistic typography is one of the most perfect solutions to attract attention. The so-called "maxi" typography will change in such a way that designers will break down words into several elements.

The primary rule should be, that thicker fonts are better. "Heavier" fonts and letters have already taken the lead in the world of graphics. They appear in logos, posters, web design, and even packaging. In 2021, the letters will be huge, and, unlike before they will extend beyond composition.

Another defining trend in typography in the coming years is to shape forms. This means that letters will follow the shapes and curves of the form. In addition, these forms can be 2-dimensional or even 3-dimensional.

The semi-opacity of typography is also becoming more and more fashionable. We will see more and more examples of this next year. Overlapping words, or simply typography will be located behind the image.

Image and Text Masking

Masking images and texts is not a new technology in the world of designers, but it has become quite modern in 2021. The preservation of images leaves open a little mystery and allows a minimalist look. Web designers will continue to create compositions that mask images and texts and will continue to insist on using "maxi" typography to achieve the desired effect.

Maxi typography is a term used to refer to a typeface that has a relatively larger size, as is the case with block letters. Perhaps this trend will continue because it works really well in contrast with images and texts. The sensibility of Designers for simplicity is already known, but they always find new ways to make a better design work.

Line Illustrations

Outline typography and illustrations were also very popular in 2018 and 2019, and by 2021 this trend will be simplified and essentially transformed into patterns built from lines. The appearance is clean, elegant, and not intrusive. Line illustrations will become one of the most popular representations in the near future. We can see these trends in various ways.

Line Illustration Example

If you look at the change in the appearance of Pinterest or WeChat over the past two years, this trend is very obvious. On one hand, line illustrations are more likely to integrate with typography and become a part of it; on the other hand, they will also become a common decorative element of packaging, stationery and websites.

Collage of Drawings and Photographs

Our web design agency London is currently witnessing a very interesting creative trend called "doodling". Started out as a hilarious trend in the world of illustration, but then it infiltrated and became popular in graphic design at lightning speed.

During graphic design, "doodling" helps to create a more informal, personalized, and relaxed atmosphere in the composition.

Designers combine realistic photos with simple illustrations that replace parts of the photo or interact with the photo itself. This innovative trend will become even more decisive from 2022, as it has a lot of pictures, but its implementation requires tremendous creativity.

drawings design

Simplified Illustrations

The use of illustrations is nothing new in graphic design. Web designers often use them to convey their concepts and ideas. As for the future, the use of simple illustrations will be the trend.

The lack of detail gives designers the opportunity to focus not only on artistic realization, but also on the message conveyed. In the future, illustrations will often see a simple, sketchy, or even childish artwork. The use of illustrations in various design areas will continue to grow. This is because illustrations are effective and simple. They can be used in many sizes and forms to convey a variety of messages.

Isometric Illustrations

Isometric illustration has been among the most important trends for years and undergoes many transformations every year. They are often used in infographics and presentations, as they enable us to visualize 3-dimensional objects on a 2-dimensional surface.

Isometric graphic design will be a fully animated visual solution by 2022. The translation of 3-dimensional objects into a 2-dimensional surface has become more and more common recently. We expect isometric illustrations to have a 3-D effect, dazzling users.

isometric design

Geometric Shapes

Designers and artists agree that everything is made up of simple geometric shapes. As many designers strive for simplicity, the use of basic geometric elements will remain a defining trend. Creating geometric patterns may seem simple, but it actually takes a lot of work to recreate a composition without impairing the role of the information carrier.

In addition, technology is evolving towards verticality, so it will be no surprise that much of the design community has made this trend their own. More and more people are embracing the thought of an afterlife in cyberspace. Thus, designers can expect to spend a lot more time thinking about how users might want to leave behind some kind of digital memento.

What is Web Design?

According to our web design agency London, it is the process of building an effective and functional website. To create websites that meet your needs, you need to understand the basics of website design. Design, is the process of creating a website’s visuals, including its layout, graphics, colors, fonts, and structures of the website.

It is important also because it determines how your website will look and how users will interact with it. To create an amazing web design you should have knowledge of programming languages like:


It stands for HyperText Markup Language, and is described by the W3C as "a markup language for describing the structure of text documents." HTML is made up of a series of elements that describes the content of a web page. These elements are typically represented by tags, which are enclosed in angle brackets.

For example, the <p> tag represents a paragraph, and the <h1> tag represents a heading.

2. CSS

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a styling language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a mark-up language. CSS is used to style all HTML tags, including the document's body, headings, paragraphs, and other pieces of text. It can be used to style documents in multiple ways, including changing the color of text, the font size, the spacing between paragraphs, and adding borders and other decorative elements.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript used also by our web design agency London, is a programming language that allows you to create interactive elements on your websites, such as buttons and menus. Java is usually written in code that is embedded in HTML documents. When a user visits a website, their web browser will read the HTML code and run the JavaScript code. This makes it possible for you to create websites that are interactive and responsive to user input.

4. jQuery

jQuery is a JavaScript library that helps make web development easier. It provides a number of features and functions that can be used to simplify and streamline the process of developing web applications. jQuery also makes it easier to add interactive elements to a web page, such as menus, forms, and buttons. In addition, jQuery can be used to create animations and special effects.


AJAX is a technique that allows web developers to create more interactive and responsive websites. AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML". It allows web developers to send and receive data from a server without having to refresh the page. This makes web pages more responsive and reduces the need for users to wait for pages to reload.

6. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a widely used program for creating and editing graphics and images. In web development, it can be used to create mockups of websites or web applications.


In graphic designing we can expect to see a lot of variety in web design trends. As the years go by, there will be more experimentation with style from top-level professionals as they try out new techniques that may not have been seen before on this platform - like glamorous typefaces or form-breaking gradients. Make sure you follow our web design agency London for more upcoming trends and don't hesitate to contact us for website design, web development and SEO services.