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Why are the Functionalities of a Website Vital for Ranking?

A website is an important aspect of any business if not the most important, it's like a virtual store or office. The functionalities of a website have to be well designed in order to achieve its purpose, which is to attract and retain customers while providing a user-friendly and effective experience.

Also, the design of a website will affect its search engine ranking, as Google and other search engines [SE] consider user experience when determining where to rank a site.

Table of contents:

  1. What is web design and what are its components
  2. What are the 5 essential features of a website
  3. How do I check the functionality
  4. Free website functionality tools
  5. Why is the functionality of a website important
  6. Home page features for your web page
  7. Footer features for your site
  8. Top 10 tips for optimizing your site's functionality
  9. FAQ about web agency and bespoke design
  10. Conclusion

Web Design & Components

Website design is the process of creating aesthetically pleasing and functional pages. There are many different components that go into design, including layout, graphics, typography, user experience, web standards, and accessibility. Each of these components must be carefully considered in order to create an effective website.

A web designer must have a good understanding of all of these aspects in order to create a page that is both beautiful and functional. The most basic steps involve planning, designing, and building.

1. Planning

During the planning stage, the web designer and developer will determine the site's purpose and goals, as well as its audience. They will also research the competition and any existing websites that might be similar. This information will help them to create a design that is unique and meets the needs of the website's users.

2. Designing

After the planning stage, it's time to start designing the pages. The web designer will create a visual design for the site that takes into account the branding, colours, and overall aesthetic of the site. They will also consider the layout, interactivity, and navigation when designing the page.

3. Building

Once the design is complete, it's time to start building the page. The web developer will take the design and code it into a working website. This can be done using a variety of programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

website functionalities

5 Essential Features of Website?

Every website should have certain essential features if it wants to be successful. These features include a well-designed home page, clear and concise content, easy navigation, effective search engine optimization, and responsive design.

1. Home Page

The home page is the most important page on a site. It's the first thing that visitors will see when they arrive at your site, so it's important to make a good impression. The home page should be well-designed and easy to navigate. It should also provide a clear and concise overview of what the website is about.

2. Content

The content on a page should be well-written and easy to understand. It should be relevant to the website's purpose and target audience. The content should also be keyword-rich in order to improve the site's SEO ranking.

3. Navigation

The navigation on a website should be easy to use and intuitive. Users should be able to find what they're looking for without any trouble. The navigation should be consistent from page to page, and there should be a logical hierarchy to the site's structure.

4. Search Engine Optimization [SEO]

All pages need to be optimized for SEO in order to rank high in the search results. This can be done by using relevant keywords throughout the site's content, as well as optimizing the website's code and structure.

5. Responsive Design

In today's mobile-responsive world, it's important to make sure that your website is designed to be responsive. This means that it will adjust to look good on all devices, from smartphones to laptops. A responsive design is essential if you want your page to be accessible to as many people as possible.

These are just a few of the essential features that every site should have. If you're missing even one of these features, your website is likely to be less successful than other sites. So, make sure to include all of these features in your design.

Website Functionality Checklist

  • Is the website easy to navigate?
  • Is the content well-written and relevant?
  • Are the keywords properly used throughout the content?
  • Is the design attractive and professional?
  • Is the code correctly optimized for search engines [SE]?
  • Is the design responsive to different devices?

Website Features & Functionality Examples

1. The internet has become an integral part of our lives. 33% of people spend 1 - 3 hours online for leisure every day, while another third remains mostly offline with limited time spent on the web or using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

2. 67% of people say that websites with links to your company's social media account are extremely or somewhat useful.

3. Half of the visitors find company blog posts very useful.

4. Navigating a website should be easy and straightforward for the user. With almost everyone (94%) naming this as their most important feature, it's clear that creating an intuitive navigation system will make or break your site!

5. It's no surprise that most people (83%) find websites with attractive design and updated content more professional than those which look outdated or don't match the current trends.

6. Sites are judged by their visitors and half of the website users (50%) will abandon your site permanently if the content isn't relevant to them.

7. The value of a product's written description is comparable to that of visuals. Nine out of ten people find both features useful, and nearly all (91%) report using them equally often or sometimes when researching products online before making purchases.

website development

How to Check Website Functionality?

You can check the functionality of a website by using web design and development tools such as browsers, web development frameworks, design applications and web accessibility checkers.

These tools will help you identify any errors or issues with the website's design, layout, interactivity and navigation. If you find any problems, you can try to fix them yourself if you have an understanding of web development. If not, you should consider hiring a web company to do it for you.

Free Website Functionality Tools

1. PageSpeed Insights - Google page speed tester, that checks the site performance and includes a report for mobile device best practices too.

2. GtMetrix - GTmetrix is the perfect tool to optimize your site and get insights on how well it loads. You can test pages daily, weekly or monthly with this service!

3. WebPageTest - Your site’s speed, usability and resilience can be tested in real browsers with regularity around the world.

4. Pingdom - Well know speed test tool, reports are detailed and include performance grade, waterfall breakdown, page analysis and history.

5. Uptrends - Run your speed test from over 200 locations and choose from mobile or desktop.

Importance of Website Functionality

Functionality is important because it determines how well a website can achieve its purpose, which is to attract and retain customers. If the functionality is not effective, users will not be able to find what they are looking for, which will result in a loss of traffic and a lower ranking on SE.

Functionalities to Consider for Better Ranking

- The architecture is also an important ranking factor. SE index websites based on their structure, so a well-organized website will be easier for them to crawl and index, resulting in a higher ranking.

- Similarly, the layout is important for both users and SE. A well-organized and easy-to-use layout will help users find what they're looking for quickly and easily, while a cluttered and confusing layout will only serve to frustrate them.

- Finally, interactivity and navigation are crucial. If users can't find what they're looking for or can't figure out how to use the site, they're likely to give up and go elsewhere.

However, with an established web company you will be able to have your dream site. Website design and development companies always put their customer's satisfaction first, which means you will be getting a custom design that is not only beautiful to look at but also easy to use and navigate.

website vital for ranking

Home Page Features for Website

When it comes to design, a company's homepage is one of the most important pages on the website. It is often the first page that users see and it is, therefore, crucial that it be designed in such a way that it provides a positive user experience.

Some of the features that you should look for:

  • A clear and concise headline
  • A brief description of what the company does
  • Short demo video to reduce customer bounce rate
  • Easy navigation
  • Clear contact information
  • Case studies [portfolio, resources]
  • A call to action for sales [contact form, subscription]

Footer Features for Website

A web footer is a section at the bottom of a web page that often contains copyright information, links to contact information, legal disclaimers, and links to the website's privacy policy. A web footer is also a great place to include additional quality content that is relevant to the page's topic.

For example, if the site is a web design company and features web designers, then you could include a link to directories, awards, etc. in the web footer.

When creating your web footer, be sure to keep the following things in mind:

  • The layout: Make sure that the footer is easy to read and includes all of the necessary information, phone number, company name, team, email, and address.
  • The font size: Be sure to use a font size that is easy to read on all devices.
  • The color scheme: Use colors that are consistent with the website's overall design.
  • The images: Use images that are relevant to the page's topic.

10 Tips for Optimizing Website Functionality

  1. Make sure your website is easy to navigate - organize your pages in a logical way and use clear and concise titles.
  2. Use menus and buttons that are easy to find and identify.
  3. Make sure all your links work properly.
  4. Minimize the use of graphics and Flash animations, as they can often slow down the loading time of your web pages.
  5. Make sure the text on your web pages is easy to read - use a standard font size and style, and avoid using too much color or background shading.
  6. Structure your web pages using HTML headings so that the SE can index them properly.
  7. Use keywords in the titles and descriptions of your web pages to help improve their ranking on SE.
  8. Use Google Analytics to track the traffic where it is coming from.
  9. Use Google Webmaster Tools to find out if there are any errors that need fixing.
  10. Keep your website up-to-date with the latest web standards, content management and technologies.
website FAQ

FAQ - Web Agency & Bespoke Design


Design is important for businesses because it is one of the most effective ways to create a positive first impression. A well-designed website will make your company look professional and credible, and it will also be easier for users to find what they are looking for.


If you're looking to get a custom-built page, then the best way to go about it is to contact a web company. A design company will be able to create a website for you that is not only visually appealing but also easy to use and navigate. They will also be able to incorporate all of the features that you need to make your website successful.


When looking for a web company, be sure to compare the portfolios of several different companies so that you can get a better idea of their capabilities. Also, be sure to read reviews from past clients to get an idea of what it is like to work with them. Finally, be sure to ask the company questions about their process and what they can do for you.


- A web company will be able to create a custom page that meets your specific needs and requirements.

- They will also be able to help you with web design and development, which will give your brand the best chance of ranking high on SE.

- A website design company will also be able to provide you with web hosting and SEO services, so you can get the most out of your website features.

- Receive professional content marketing and digital marketing


Incorporate a layout that is simple and easy to navigate, as well as use graphics and fonts that are pleasing to the eye. In addition, you will need to ensure that all of the functionality of your website is working properly.

This includes making sure that all of the links are working correctly and that the pages are loading quickly. By following these tips, you can create a website that will attract and retain customers.


Yes, social media is important for site functionality. It can help to increase traffic to your website, and it can also help to improve your ranking on search engines. In addition, social media can be a great way to connect with your customers and promote your products or services.


- Custom design - a website design company will create a custom design for your website, ensuring that it is both beautiful and easy to use.

- Effective layout - a well-designed site will have an effective layout that makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for.

- Interactive elements - web pages with interactive elements are more engaging and keep users coming back for more.

- Easy navigation - a page with easy navigation is user-friendly and therefore more likely to have returned site visitors.

- Fast loading times - a web site that loads quickly is more likely to be visited than one that takes a long time to load.

- Essential features of website navigation

One of the most important aspects of website navigation is making sure that users can easily find what they are looking for. This means that it should be well-organized and the menus should be easy to understand. If users can't find what they're looking for, they will leave your site and you will lose traffic.

Another important aspect is navigation, making sure that links are easy to click on and open in a new tab or window. This makes it easy for users to navigate your site and keeps them from getting lost.

Finally, you should always make sure that your website's search bar is easy to find and use. This allows users to quickly find the information they are looking for without having to browse through all of your content.


- Custom design [built from scratch]

- Responsive design [meet Google's requirements]

- Interactive elements

- Calls to action

- Animated graphics

- Videos

- Live chat

- User-friendly interface

- SEO optimization

- Web security


When it comes to design, the functionality of all pages is vitally important in determining its ranking on SE and its overall success.  A well-designed website that is easy to use and navigate will rank higher for SEO than a poorly designed one. Also, a page with all the right features [domain name, map, image, testimonials, strategy, CMS] and no errors is more likely to succeed than one that doesn't have all the bells and whistles.