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Quick Price Difference: Web Design Freelancer & Website Agency

When it comes to a web design project there is always a difference in price and there are two main options to choose from freelancer or a web design agency. Which option is right for you depends on your needs and price.

=> Freelancers typically charge by the hour, whereas agencies usually have fixed rates for their services.

=> Agencies may also require you to sign a contract, whereas freelancers typically don’t.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it can be difficult to decide which is the best option for you. In this article, we will compare and contrast the two options, in order to help you make a more informed decision.

Table of contents:

  1. What is web design and web development?
  1. What is a freelance web designer?
  1. How much do freelance web designers charge in the UK?
  1. Tips on how to find a good website freelancer
  1. What is a web design agency?
  1. How much do web design agencies charge in the UK?
  1. Tips on how to find a good website agency in London
  1. Conclusion

What is Web Design and Web Development?

Web design and development are both essential for creating an effective and functional website. To create websites that meet your needs, you need to understand the basics of website design and development.

- Design, is the process of creating the visuals of the website, including its layout, colors, graphics, fonts and structure. It's vital because it determines how your website will look and how users will interact with it.

- Web development, on the other hand, is the process of creating the functionality of a website, including coding and programming. The work of the web developer is important because it determines how your website will function and what features it will have.

What is a Freelance Web Designer?

A freelancer web designer is someone who contracts out their services for a specific project. A freelancer is often more specialized in a particular area of design (e.g. user interface design, front-end development, etc.), while agencies typically offer a wider range of services. Also, freelancers typically work on a project-by-project basis, whereas a website agency in London has a team of employees who work on web design projects full-time.

web design freelancer

Advantages of Freelance Web Designer

These are the advantages of working with a freelance web developer:

  • Cost: Many freelancers typically charge a lower hourly rate than agencies as there are no costs like office rent.
  • Flexibility: Freelancers can often work on your project around your schedule.
  • Specialization: Freelancers typically have more expertise in one specific area of web design.
  • Independence: Freelancers are self-employed, so you have more control over the project and its direction.

Disadvantages of Freelance Web Designer

There are a few key disadvantages to working with freelance web developers:

  • Limited resources: Agencies have a larger team of employees, which can mean more resources to draw on for your project.
  • Lack of continuity: If you stop working with a freelancer, you may have to create the project from scratch with someone new.
  • Project management: Freelancers typically don’t have as much experience with project management, so you may need to take on more of that responsibility yourself.

How Much Do Freelance Web Designers Charge in the UK?

Freelancers typically charge a lower hourly rate than a website agency in London. Average freelance web developer hourly rate can vary depending on the designer’s experience and skillset, but you can expect to pay anywhere from:

  1. Small website project: £20-£50 per hour
  1. Ongoing website project: £70-£150 per day
  1. Large website project: £150-£350 per day
  1. Fix amount: Standard 5-10 page site £500-£1,000; eCommerce store: from £500

Keep in mind, that there are a lot of factors that go into the cost of a web design project, so these rates should be used as a guideline only. Freelancers typically work on a project-by-project basis, so you may need to pay for additional services such as search engines, web hosting, and domain registration.

8 Tips on How to Find a Good Website Freelancer

Finding a good freelance website designer can be a daunting task. There are a few key things to keep in mind when searching for someone to help you with your web design project:

1. Make sure the designer is licensed and insured.

2. Get a quote from the designer before hiring them.

3. Ask the designer for references and testimonials from past clients.

4. Make sure the designer has a good understanding of your needs and vision for the project.

5. Check the designer’s portfolio to get a sense of their style and expertise.

6. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! The more you know about the designer and their process, the better.

7. Make sure the designer agrees to a contract outlining the project specifics and deliverables.

8. Stay in communication with the designer throughout the project and provide feedback as needed.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to finding a web designer that’s perfect for your needs.

What is a Web Design Agency?

A web design agency is a company that specializes in the design and development of websites. They typically have multiple team members who work on website design projects full-time and offer a wide range of marketing services, including design & development, search engine optimization and social media marketing.

web design agency

Advantages of a Web Design Agency

There are a few key advantages to working with a website agency in London:

  • Full-time employees: An agency typically has a whole team working on web design projects and is also well connected with marketing agencies.
  • Services: They offer a wide range of services, including design & development, SEO, and social media marketing.
  • Experts: Agency employees are typically specialized in on or more areas of design and development
  • Oversight: There are project managers who are responsible to complete the job on time and budget.
  • Assurance: Agency projects usually require a signed contract that assures quality and peace of mind.
  • Rate: Fixed rates for their services compare to freelancers own rates.
  • Office: An agency has an office space and many benefits that could be handy if it comes to large projects.

Disadvantages of a Web Design Agency

There are also few disadvantages to working with a website agency in London:

  • Payment: To hire an agency may require you to pay upfront for services, while freelancers may require payment after the project is completed.
  • Rate: Web Agencies usually have fixed cost and price.
  • Time: The agency might be less flexible with its schedule than a freelancer.

How Much Do Web Design Agencies Charge in the UK?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as agencies can charge different rates depending on their location, experience, and services offered. Web design agencies have fixed rates that are more transparent than charging by an hour. On average, agencies in the UK tend to charge the following:

  • Individual web design projects: £1,000 - £3,000 [Standard 5-10 Pages]

- Often a template is used to lower the cost

- Designed in WordPress, Wix, Shopify

There could be further expenses, like paying for content management system templates or other services.

  • Small to Mid-size businesses projects: £2,000 and £5,000

- Template or custom build design

- Designed in WordPress, Webflow, Shopify

- Ongoing support: £50 - £500 per month

- SEO services/expenses: on-page SEO included off-page SEO [optional]

This includes designing a new website, migrating an existing website to a new platform, or redeveloping an existing website.

  • Larger business projects: £5,000 and upwards

- Completely custom designed

- Designed in InDesign, Adobe XD, Sketch, Webflow

- Ongoing support: £100 and upwards per month

- SEO services/expenses: on-page SEO included, off-page SEO included

When it comes to larger businesses, a website design agency in London will provide you with a service that is worth every penny. They offer a more personalized service, with a focus on detail and quality. As they have more resources, they can also take on bigger and more complex projects.

8 Tips on How to Find a Good Website Agency

When looking for an agency, the main point is to do your research and ask around for recommendations. Here are some tips on how to find a good website agency in London or in the UK:

website design

1. Look for a business that has a lot of experience in design and development.

2. Check to see if the agency has any awards or recognitions for their work.

3. Read online reviews from many clients.

4. Make sure the business is licensed and insured.

5. Get a quote from the agency before hiring them.

6. Ask the agency for references from past clients.

7. Meet with the team at the agency and get a feel for their work style.

8. Make sure the business has a good understanding of your needs and expectations.


So, should I hire a freelancer or an agency? It's ultimately your choice who you will contact. Freelancers can be a great option for small or simple projects because they are more affordable and can be more flexible with their schedules.

On the other hand, agencies offer a wider range of services and are better suited for complex & large undertakings, as they have more resources and experience. Either way, it is important to do research before you hire a company or freelancer to create websites.

Do You Need Help?

If you want to develop a bespoke & user-friendly website that is laser-focused on conversion, revenue and result, contact Fit Design through our business website where we provide expert web design services, consultation and search engine optimization.

As a business owner, project manager and team member, I know how daunting it could get when companies miss deadlines or multiple projects need attention. It is why our entire team is client-focused delivering new projects on time and on budget.