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What is a Coded Website (Pros & Cons) Beginners Guide

A coded website is a page that has been specifically coded to function in a certain way. There are many different types of web coding, but the most common type are HTML stands or Hypertext Markup Language and CSS or Cascading Style Sheet.

A coded website can offer several benefits, including improved functionality and enhanced user experience. However, there are also some downsides to using a coded website, including expensive web development costs and the need for specialized knowledge or training.

This brief will be perfect for beginners who are just getting started in website development in London and want to learn more about the process. Also, we will explore the pros & cons of coded website, so that you can make an informed decision about whether this type of website is right for you.

Table of contents:

  1. Definition of coded website
  1. Top 7 coding languages to learn
  1. How to code a website in 5 easy steps
  1. Web development costs
  1. Becoming a website developer
  1. Pros of web coding
  1. Cons of web coding
  1. What are website builders

Definition of coded website - web coding

Web coding is the process of creating a coded website using a specific coding language. This code tells the website what to do and how to look. Also, website coding allows website developers to create customized themes, integrate advanced functionality, and generally improve the website's overall appearance and performance.

Site coding is a critical part of website development, as it allows web designers to control every detail of how their website functions and looks. Whether you are creating an eCommerce site, a blog, or a business website, the coding process is essential for ensuring that other elements are working properly and in accordance with your design specifications.

There are different types of coding languages, such as HTML elements and CSS stylesheet, that website developers can use to create websites. In most cases, a website will utilize multiple languages in order to achieve its desired results.

So, creating a web page from scratch can be a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with coding. However, there are plenty of resources especially for website development in London or else where, that can help you create the website of your dreams.

Top 7 web coding languages to learn

There are a variety of coding languages that website developers can use to create a web page. The most common languages include HTML element and cascading style sheets (CSS), but there are also other less common languages such as JavaScript code and PHP. In most cases, website developers will use multiple coding languages in order to achieve the desired results.

coded website

1. HTML code - Hypertext Markup Language

HTML element is the most common coding language used for website development. It is a basic language that allows developers to create websites using tags and attributes. There is an opening tag and closing tag in HTML, which is used to add content to the website. Also, learning HTML elements are easy and quite straightforward, which makes it a popular choice for website development in London.

If you want to learn HTML - hypertext markup language, these online courses are a great place to start:

- Udacity: great for beginners

- SkillShare is: a good option for busy people

- Coursera: learn web apps

- Udemy: flexible learning courses

2. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets  

CSS stylesheet is another popular language for website development. It allows website developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages, with a variety of styling options. Whether you need to create a website template, or add custom animations and effects, CSS is the ideal language for website development.

To learn coding cascading style sheets, we recommend taking one of the following online courses:

- Codecademy: interactive and fun

- W3Schools: great for beginners

- Treehouse: learn by building projects

- Lynda: comprehensive courses

3. JavaScript

JavaScript is a versatile coding language widely used in website development. It is popular for its ability to add vibrant features and functionality, such as animated menus and sliders to websites.

If you want to learn JavaScript, check out these online courses:

- Codecast: learn by doing

- Pluralsight: advanced courses

- Edx.org: good for all levels

- Lynda: short and sweet for beginners

4. PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP is a server-side scripting language used in website development. It allows website developers to create an active web page that can handle large amounts of traffic and complex website functionality. With PHP, you can easily integrate databases into your website design and development process.

Some good hypertext preprocessor online courses include:

- TutsPlus: well-rounded course

- Zend: framework tutorials

- CakePHP: easy building websites with this popular framework

- PHP Academy: short and sweet for beginners

5. SQL - Structured Query Language  

SQL is a standard database query language used in website development. It allows website developers to easily store, retrieve, and manipulate data on websites.  SQL is a powerful language that can be used to create complex website functionality.

If you want to learn a structured query language, we recommend taking one of the following online courses:

- Udemy: best for beginners, paid courses

- Coursera: comprehensive courses

- Codecademy: interactive and fun

- W3Schools: great for all levels

6. Ruby on Rails  

Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It is a popular choice for website development in London because it allows website developers to create complex website functionality with less code.

If you want to learn Ruby on Rails programming languages, we recommend taking one of the following online courses:

- Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hart: best for beginners

- Ruby on Rails for Zombies: great for all levels

- Codecademy: interactive and fun

- Treehouse: learn by building projects

7. Python  

Python is a versatile coding language that website developers can use to create dynamic and interactive website features. With Python, website developers can easily build complex website applications with less code.

To learn Python, check out these online courses:

- Classcentral: interactive and fun

- Treehouse: learn by building projects

- Lynda: short and sweet for beginners

- Udacity: great for all levels

How to code a website in 5 easy steps?

web development process

1. Choose your coding language

When coding a website, you'll need to choose a language that best meets the needs of your own website. The most common coding languages include HTML element, CSS, and JavaScript, but there are many others as well. Make sure to choose a coding language that you're comfortable with and that will best meet the needs of your client.

2. Plan and sketch your website design

Before you start coding, it's important to have a clear idea of how you want your own website to look and function. This can involve sketching out website layouts, creating wireframes, and developing a detailed functional specification for your website. In addition, you'll need to decide on your website's visual style, navigation, and any other key website components.

3. Set up your website development environment

Once you've chosen your language and planned out your website, you'll need to set up a development environment. This is where you'll actually write code and test your website. Some popular website development environments include code editors, website testing tools, and online site builders.

4. Write and test your website code

Now it's time to start coding your website! This process will involve writing code in your website development environment and then testing it to make sure that everything is working properly. You may also need to do some troubleshooting along the way, depending on the complexity of your web page.

5. Deploy your website

Once you're satisfied with how your own website looks and functions, you'll need to deploy it. This involves transferring your website code and files to a web server so that they can be accessed by anyone on the internet. There are many different hosting services available, so be sure to choose one that meets your website's specific needs.

Web development costs

Web development costs can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the website and the features that are required. Generally speaking, website development costs will be higher for eCommerce websites or other complex website types, while simpler website types like blogs or personal websites will be cheaper to develop.

Web design agencies typically charge between £50 and £250 per hour, with the average hourly rate being around £100. This means that a simple website could cost as little as £500 to develop, while a more complex website could cost upwards of £5,000.

Of course, website development costs will also vary depending on the specific needs of the website. For example, a website that requires a lot of custom coding or complex integrations will be more expensive to develop than a website that is built with standard website building tools.

Also, you may contact a freelance web developer to get a website developed for less money. However, it is important to note that you will likely get what you pay for in terms of quality and website stability. In short, the cost of website development in London can vary greatly depending on the type of website, the features required, and your budget. But with the right resources and the right team, you can get a website that looks great and functions perfectly.

If you're looking for affordable web development services, there are a few ways to get quotes from agencies. The best way to get an accurate estimate is to contact multiple agencies and request a proposal or quote. You can also look for online price guides or use website comparison tools to compare prices and features.

Becoming a website developer as a career

web developer

If you're interested in becoming a web developer, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, it's important to have a strong foundation in programming and web development. This means having a good understanding of HTML code, CSS, and JavaScript. In addition, you should have experience using website development tools and platforms, such as web builders or content management systems (CMS).

To break into the field of website development in London, you'll also need to be familiar with the business side of website development. This means having a strong understanding of website design principles, user experience, and website performance. You should also be able to communicate effectively, both with website users and other members of your development team.

Another important consideration when pursuing a career in web development is your portfolio. Your portfolio should showcase your best work, as well as highlight the skills and experience that you bring to the table.

Web developer salary

The average web developer in London earns around £45,000 per year. However, this can vary based on your level of experience and the type of website you're working on. For example, junior web developers tend to earn less than senior developers, while web developers who work on eCommerce or other complex website types can earn more.

In terms of job outlook, the demand for professional developers is expected to grow by around 20% in the next decade. This means that there will be plenty of opportunities for those looking to pursue a career in web development.

Pros of website coding vs site builders

  • More stable and secure: since it is built with high-quality code rather than site building tools and pre-set templates.
  • Allows more customization and flexibility: tailored to the specific needs of the website or business.
  • Better for SEO: easier to incorporate relevant keywords and optimize website content for search engines. Add links and other website features that can help drive traffic to your website.
  • More user-friendly: website code is typically designed with the user in mind, making the website easier to navigate and use.
  • Provides a more consistent user experience: allows website elements to function more consistently and reliably, resulting in a more seamless user experience.
  • Cost-effective in the long run: as builders can be expensive to maintain and update over time. Plus, website coding can be done relatively cheaply if you have the right team.
coded web design

Cons of website coding vs site builders

  • Expensive and time-consuming: as it requires specialized skills and knowledge.
  • More complex: website coding tends to be more complex than web builders, as it requires a deeper understanding of website development principles.
  • Higher level of skill and experience required: as website developers must be able to create functional sites that are also user-friendly and perform well.
  • More difficult to maintain: website coding requires ongoing maintenance and updates, which can be time-consuming and challenging for less experienced developers.
  • Requires technical knowledge of website architecture and design principles.
  • Challenging to make website changes or updates:  requires advanced technical knowledge and website coding skills that only an expert or professional web designer can handle.

What are website builders?

There are a number of site builders on the market today, which can be a great option for those who are looking to create a website without any prior coding or website development experience. Website builders are easy to use, and they allow you to create a website without having to write any source code yourself.

Some of the benefits of web builders include their affordability, simplicity, and wide range of features. They typically come with a range of templates that you can choose from, and they allow you to drag and drop website elements into place. This makes builders ideal for those who want to create a website quickly and easily.

However, site builders do come with some drawbacks as well. For example, they cannot always provide the level of customization and flexibility that you can get with website coding. Additionally, website builders can be more expensive in the long run, as you may need to pay for website upgrades, additional features, and website maintenance over time.

website builder

Best Site Builders

1. WebFlow:  a popular website builder, offering a wide range of website templates and customization options. Its simple drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to use, even for those with no prior website development experience. This CMS is for more advanced developers, who want to build dynamic and responsive websites with complex navigation and user interactions.

2. Squarespace: another popular website builder, offering a wide variety of website templates and a simple drag-and-drop interface. Has a lower price point and is very user-friendly, making it a great choice for business owners who want to create their website quickly and easily. A good option for simple sites with limited functionality.

3. Wix:  a website builder that offers a wide range of website templates and customization options, making it easy to create a website that is unique and tailored to your needs. Is one of the most popular builders on the market, and offers a free plan for those who want to test it out before committing to a paid subscription.

4. WordPress: an ideal for those with more advanced website development experience. Offers a wide range of website templates, plugins and customization options, along with extensive documentation and support options. While it can be more complex to use than other web builders, it is a great choice for those who want ultimate control over their website’s design and functionality.

5. Shopify: a website builder specifically designed for creating online stores. Offers a wide range of website templates, as well as built-in eCommerce features and tools. While it is geared towards those who want to create an online store, it can also be used for other website types as well.  


Web coding is a critical component of website development and design. While builders can be a great option for those who are looking to create a website without any coding experience, they often cannot provide the level of customization and flexibility that you can get with website coding. However, if you want ultimate control over your website’s design and functionality, website coding is the way to go.

Do you need help?

Our web design agency offers website coding services to help you create the website of your dreams. Also, our web development team has the experience and expertise to build quality websites that are tailored to each clients specific needs. We can assist you with eCommerce solutions, digital marketing [social media accounts], and SEO services just to mention a few. Get in touch today for website development in London and get your coded website on the market.